Sustainable Seafood Certificates
ASC Farm Clients and Certificates
All seafood farms currently under assessment or certified to the ASC requirements can be found via ASC Website's Find A Farm/ Supplier Feature.
To see a list of clients who will be undergoing an assessment, go to our Stakeholder Review page, where you may participate in the stakeholder comment process.
Seafood Chain of Custody Clients
All seafood supply chain organizations currently certified to the relevant CoC requirements can be found using the following websites:
- ASC Certified suppiler (CoC) Website
- MSC Find A Supplier Website
- RFM Certified Chain of Custody Companies
MSC Fisheries Clients
As the first MSC-accredited certifier, SCS Global Services has been involved with marine certification projects worldwide. The following is a list of fisheries that are currently certified by SCS. For the most up-to-date information regarding fishery status, see the MSC Track a Fishery website.
Client Name | Location |
Annette Islands Reserve Salmon | , US |
Gulf Of Maine Lobster Fishery | , US |
Iturup Island Pink & Chum Salmon | , RU |
Northeastern Tropical Pacific Purse Seine Yellowfin And Skipjack Tuna | , MX |
México Baja California Red Rock Lobster | , MX |
Small Pelagics Fishery In Sonora Gulf Of California | , MX |
Solomon Islands | , SI |
Tri Marine Western And Central Pacific Skipjack And Yellowfin Tuna | , US |
US Atlantic Sea Scallop | , US |
US Atlantic Surfclam And Ocean Quahog | , US |
US North Pacific Halibut | , US |
US North Pacific Sablefish | , US |
US Northeast Longfin Inshore Squid Bottom Trawl Fishery | , AU |
WPSTA Western And Central Pacific Skipjack And Yellowfin Free School Purse Seine Tuna | , TW |